April 16, 2020 : 200.6 lbs

Fucking Groundhog Day! 3 days in a row I’ve been at 200.6 lbs.  I’ve gotta get below 200 lbs soon, I feel it. Only closed 1 of 3 rings on my Apple Watch yesterday as well, only 1 min needed to close the exercise but the damn activity ring has alluded me repeatedly as of late.  Hard to get walks in when your stuck inside (thanks COVID-19, you suck).

Yesterday was a bad day calorie wise – went over 922 for the day.  I got super hungry later in the day, didn’t enough enough at a regular schedule throughout the day.  I hit the point where bad food choices were going to be made…you know when you’re standing in front of the fridge looking for anything you can find to shove into your face.  Luckily we had a big bucket of potato salad screaming my name.  We no longer have a big bucket of potato salad.

Alright, let’s make Thursday a great day! I’ll see you under 200 tomorrow.

APRIL 15, 2020 : 200.6 LBS

Flat for the day – 200.6 lbs.  At least I wasn’t up I guess.  Didn’t help that I had 300 calories of beer last night, and ate a bowl of Grape Nuts right before bed.  I’ve gotta focus on those “end of day” habits, they are the ones that are getting me.  The rest of the day leading up to those last couple of hours are great.  Healthy food choices. Getting exercise. They just all kinda fall apart at the end of the day.  I’m positive there’s a psychological component to that.

As for my stats from the day: closed 2 of 3 rings again – the activity ring alluded me (I was sooo close to it being close as well).  Was over 314 calories for the day (thank you beer).  Makes sense why I wasn’t down for the day.

As for today, it’s my rest day from exercise.  This means I have few calories available for food as well, so just need to throttle back a bit.  Feeling pretty good about how the day is going to go. Time to get after it!


April 14, 2020 : 200.6 lbs

Well I’m down 1.1 lbs from yesterday.  I’ll take it! Only closed my Exercise and Stand rings on my Apple watch, the Move ring was 90% there.  Really expect to close all 3 of them today.

Food yesterday was good, but I had a few beers which ended up putting me over my calorie target by 94.  It’s obvious that beer is a habit that needs to be curbed if I want to be successful here.  I actually went months without beer (or any alcohol) but this damn Coronavirus stay at home situation has influenced a behavior change for me there.

Exercise has been great! Running in the mornings on the treadmill has been awesome.  I’m enjoying it again.  Cranked out a 2 mile run this morning – under 10 min miles.  Considering I’ve hardly ran at all for years I’m happy with this.  I’ll get to much quicker mile times over the next couple of months I’m sure.   The TRX workouts afterwards have been awesome as well.  I get a really good burn with them.

Alright, so today my plan is to close all 3 rings for sure and stay under my calorie goals for the day.  That may mean cutting beer with dinner, we shall see how the day goes.  Maybe I can be under 200 lbs tomorrow? We shall see.


Thought I’d fire this blog up again and see if it helps with my weight over this Coronavirus quarantine.  I’m currently sitting at 202 lbs, which is 7 lbs higher than when the Social Distancing orders were placed in my area.  Other stats: I’m 6’1″ and 45 years old.  My concern is that I’ve put on 7 lbs so quickly, what will my situation be next month or the month after? Not good I suspect.

I’ve been exercising a bit this past week.  Luckily I’ve got a nice treadmill in the garage, and a TRX system as well.  So I’m getting decent cardio and strength training in.  Not a lot however (10 miles on the treadmill last week), but better than what it was the previous weeks (0 miles).  I forgot how much I enjoy running, it’s been good mental floss during this time and I feel better because of it.  The TRX is great, actually get a pretty decent upper body workout with it.  Just gotta keep it up.

My diet has been largely shit however.  Too much beer. Too many carbs. Too many unhealthy snacks. Not enough discipline.  I start to track my food in the morning on MyFitnessPal, but usually bail on it at night (so I can suck down some beers and snacks and push off the guilt until I step on the scale the next morning).  I’m hopeful that by blogging I may course correct some of these behaviors that have started up during these Covid-19 times.

Plan for today: Run 20 mins, Back exercises on TRX, meditate, track all of my food on MyFitnessPal, stay under my calorie allotment for the day, close all of my rings on my Apple Watch.

I’ll post tomorrow with an update.

Killer xmas eve lifting session.


Chest Shoulder
Saturday, December 24, 2016 at 7:27 AM

Bench Press (Dumbbell)
Set 1: 50 lb × 12
Set 2: 70 lb × 12
Set 3: 80 lb × 12
Set 4: 90 lb × 5

Incline Bench Press
Set 1: 60 lb × 12
Set 2: 60 lb × 7
Set 3: 40 lb × 10

Shoulder Press (Dumbbell)
Set 1: 40 lb × 12
Set 2: 40 lb × 10
Set 3: 40 lb × 7

Lateral Raise
Set 1: 30 lb × 12
Set 2: 30 lb × 10
Set 3: 30 lb × 8

Incline Chest Flyes
Set 1: 30 lb × 10
Set 2: 30 lb × 10
Set 3: 30 lb × 10

Decline Chest Flyes
Set 1: 30 lb × 12
Set 2: 30 lb × 12
Set 3: 30 lb × 12


This one whopped me! But was awesome! #doingwork

Chest Shoulder Tricep 1
Thursday, December 15, 2016 at 5:11 AM

Bench Press (Dumbbell)
Set 1: 45 lb × 12
Set 2: 65 lb × 12
Set 3: 75 lb × 12
Set 4: 85 lb × 7

Decline Bench Press
Set 1: 55 lb × 12
Set 2: 55 lb × 12
Set 3: 55 lb × 12

Incline Bench Press
Set 1: 55 lb × 12
Set 2: 55 lb × 8
Set 3: 45 lb × 11

Shoulder Press (Dumbbell)
Set 1: 35 lb × 12
Set 2: 35 lb × 9
Set 3: 35 lb × 8

Lateral Raise
Set 1: 25 lb × 12
Set 2: 25 lb × 12
Set 3: 25 lb × 12

Set 1: 30 lb × 12
Set 2: 30 lb × 12
Set 3: 30 lb × 12

Tricep Extension (Dumbbell)
Set 1: 20 lb × 12
Set 2: 20 lb × 10
Set 3: 20 lb × 10


Legs and abs. Doing work!

Leg Abs 1
Wednesday, December 14, 2016 at 5:14 AM

Step Ups
Set 1: 45 lb × 10
Set 2: 45 lb × 10
Set 3: 45 lb × 10

Stiff Legged Deadlift
Set 1: 45 lb × 12
Set 2: 55 lb × 12
Set 3: 55 lb × 12

Lunge (Dumbbell)
Set 1: 25 lb × 12
Set 2: 25 lb × 12
Set 3: 25 lb × 12

Standing Calf Raise
Set 1: 45 lb × 12
Set 2: 45 lb × 12
Set 3: 45 lb × 12

Decline Crunch
Set 1: 12 reps
Set 2: 12 reps
Set 3: 12 reps

Side Bends
Set 1: 45 lb × 12
Set 2: 45 lb × 12
Set 3: 45 lb × 12

Exercise Ball Crunch
Set 1: 25 reps
Set 2: 25 reps
Set 3: 20 reps


Trip to Barcelona

We’ve decided to plan a trip to Barcelona this summer. Talk about great motivation to get healthy and in shape! It’s exactly the “why” we were looking for. Plus what a great reward for bettering our lives? 

Can’t wait to lay on the sandy medeteranian beach in 7 months full of confidence! It’s going to be epic. 

4 new PRs today! Keep doing work.

Back Bicept 1
Tuesday, December 13, 2016 at 5:12 AM

One Arm Row
Set 1: 60 lb × 12
Set 2: 70 lb × 12
Set 3: 80 lb × 12
Set 4: 90 lb × 12

Bent Over Row
Set 1: 50 lb × 12
Set 2: 50 lb × 12
Set 3: 50 lb × 12

Back Flyes
Set 1: 30 lb × 12
Set 2: 30 lb × 12
Set 3: 30 lb × 12

Shrug (Dumbbell)
Set 1: 90 lb × 12
Set 2: 90 lb × 12
Set 3: 90 lb × 12

Preacher Curl
Set 1: 35 lb × 12
Set 2: 35 lb × 12
Set 3: 35 lb × 10

Hammer Curl
Set 1: 35 lb × 12
Set 2: 35 lb × 10
Set 3: 35 lb × 10

Isolation Curls
Set 1: 35 lb × 12
Set 2: 35 lb × 10
Set 3: 35 lb × 10
